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Fiat Ruins Everything: How Our Financial System is Rigged and How Bitcoin Fixes It — book review

In “Fiat Ruins Everything: How Our Financial System is Rigged and How Bitcoin Fixes It,” Jimmy Song presents a scathing critique of the existing financial system, arguing that fiat currency has led to widespread corruption, inequality, and economic instability. Drawing on his background as a Bitcoin developer and educator, Song makes a compelling case for the adoption of Bitcoin as an alternative monetary system that offers greater transparency, security, and individual sovereignty. In this review, I will provide a critical analysis of Song’s arguments, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of his book, and assess its overall contribution to the discourse on monetary policy and financial reform.

Summary of Content

Song’s book begins by providing an overview of the history and mechanics of fiat currency, tracing its origins from the gold standard to the modern era of central banking. He argues that fiat currency, which is not backed by any tangible asset, enables governments and central banks to manipulate the money supply, inflate away debt, and engage in reckless spending. Song contends that this centralized control over the monetary system has led to a host of negative consequences, including currency debasement, wealth inequality, and financial crises.

Central to Song’s argument is the notion that Bitcoin offers a viable alternative to fiat currency. He explains how Bitcoin’s decentralized nature, fixed supply, and cryptographic security make it resistant to manipulation and censorship. Song portrays Bitcoin as a digital gold — a store of value that is immune to inflationary pressures and government interference. He highlights Bitcoin’s potential to empower individuals by giving them control over their wealth and financial transactions, free from the constraints of traditional banking systems.

Throughout the book, Song explores the various ways in which Bitcoin can address the shortcomings of the existing financial system. He discusses the potential of Bitcoin to serve as a hedge against inflation, a medium of exchange for everyday transactions, and a means of financial inclusion for the unbanked and underbanked. Song also examines Bitcoin’s role in facilitating international remittances, reducing transaction costs, and providing a secure store of value in times of economic uncertainty.

Furthermore, Song delves into the technical aspects of Bitcoin, explaining concepts such as blockchain technology, mining, and cryptographic security in accessible terms. He addresses common criticisms and misconceptions about Bitcoin, such as its perceived volatility and association with illicit activities. By demystifying these myths, Song aims to educate readers about the transformative potential of Bitcoin as a monetary system and a tool for social change.


One of the book’s greatest strengths lies in its clarity and accessibility. Song’s writing is straightforward and free from technical jargon, making complex concepts understandable to readers with varying levels of expertise. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or a newcomer to the world of cryptocurrencies, “Fiat Ruins Everything” provides valuable insights into the flaws of the existing financial system and the potential of Bitcoin to effect positive change.

Another strength of the book is its thorough analysis of the problems inherent in fiat currency. Song leaves no stone unturned as he explores the root causes of inflation, wealth inequality, and financial instability. By dissecting the mechanisms of central banking and government intervention, Song sheds light on the systemic flaws that plague the current monetary system and undermine individual freedom.

Additionally, Song’s advocacy for Bitcoin is grounded in both economic theory and real-world examples. He draws on historical precedents, such as hyperinflation in Weimar Germany and Zimbabwe, to illustrate the dangers of fiat currency and the need for a decentralized alternative. Song also provides concrete examples of how Bitcoin has already begun to transform the lives of individuals and communities around the world, from Venezuela to Nigeria to El Salvador.


Despite its many strengths, “Fiat Ruins Everything” is not without its limitations. One potential criticism is the book’s narrow focus on Bitcoin as the sole solution to the problems of the existing financial system. While Song makes a compelling case for Bitcoin’s superiority over fiat currency, he pays less attention to other potential alternatives, such as gold, silver, or competing cryptocurrencies. A more nuanced exploration of the pros and cons of different monetary systems would provide readers with a more comprehensive understanding of the options available.

Furthermore, some readers may find Song’s arguments to be overly simplistic or one-sided. While he effectively highlights the shortcomings of fiat currency, he does not adequately address the potential drawbacks or challenges associated with Bitcoin adoption. For example, Song does not discuss the environmental impact of Bitcoin mining or the scalability issues facing the Bitcoin network. A more balanced assessment of the risks and limitations of Bitcoin would provide readers with a more nuanced perspective on its potential role in the future of finance.


In conclusion, “Fiat Ruins Everything: How Our Financial System is Rigged and How Bitcoin Fixes It” by Jimmy Song offers a compelling critique of the existing financial system and a persuasive case for the adoption of Bitcoin as an alternative monetary system. Song’s clear writing style, thorough analysis of the problems with fiat currency, and advocacy for Bitcoin make this book a valuable resource for anyone concerned about the future of money.

While the book may have its limitations, including its narrow focus on Bitcoin and occasional lack of depth on certain topics, its strengths far outweigh its weaknesses. By providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the flaws of the current financial system and the potential of Bitcoin to address them, Song empowers individuals to take control of their financial destinies and advocate for positive change in the world.

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